What is the popularity level?

A member's popularity level in DirectAffinity refers to its popularity rating along with its popularity rank. The popularity rating is a number calculated from a series of statistics measuring the completeness of the member's profile as well as the interest that this member arouses in the community. The details of this calculation are explicated in the How is the popularity rating calculated? section hereunder. Once each qualifying member has its popularity rating determined, the popularity ranking of those members can be established.

What is its use?

Whenever a member who is Willing to be generous, a.k.a. a sugar daddy, subscribes to an Exclusive Content (All) membership (which gives him access to all exclusive content from sugar babies for a limited period of time), a fraction of the membership fee (called a retribution and currently set at 100%) is reserved in order to be redistributed to the sugar babies who meet the prerequisites stated above and have exclusive content on their profile.

Each week, DirectAffinity collects all these retributions and pays them out to the eligible sugar babies on the next Monday. The amount received by each sugar baby is determined by the popularity rank she/he obtained during the previous week, when the retributions were collected. The exact formula for splitting up the collected retributions is a bit technical but let us say it favors the most popular sugar babies.

Note 1: In addition to the requirements mentioned above, a sugar baby also needs to have logged into her account in the past two months preceding the day the collected retributions are paid out.

Note 2: If the share of an eligible sugar baby is less than €0.05, then it is not paid out.

How is the popularity rating calculated?

A sugar baby's popularity rating at a particular point in time is calculated as the sum of the points awarded for the following actions or interactions which occurred between the last Monday and that particular point in time:

Base rating

  • 100, 200 or 300 points if the sugar baby's verification tier is respectively A, B or C
  • 150 points for each referred member signed up by the sugar baby
  • 20 points for each photo accepted in the sugar baby's profile
  • 200 points for each video accepted in the sugar baby's profile

Interest rating

  • 1 point for each visit on the sugar baby's profile
  • 3 points for each favorite received by the sugar baby
  • -10 points for each block received by the sugar baby
  • 2 points for each request of authorization access to the sugar baby's private photos
  • 5 points for each authorization access grant to a member's private photos received by the sugar baby
  • 2 points for each request of details, About me or What I am looking for section addition received by the sugar baby
  • 3 points for each request of photo addition received by the sugar baby
  • 4 points for each request of video addition received by the sugar baby

Message rating

  • 10 points for each message sent to the sugar baby

Thus, the current popularity rating that is displayed in the Popularity Level section of the Earnings page takes into account the characteristics of your profile as it is at the time of viewing and the interactions you have had between the last Monday and that time of viewing.